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Online Video Reviews


The videos offered below were recorded in online study groups I've
offered since 2020. They cover a wide range of topics related to
craniosacral therapy techniques, anatomy and physiology, therapeutic
presence, and much more.


These study group videos provide an excellent opportunity to:

* Review course material

* Enhance your knowledge and understanding of the work

* Delve deeper into anatomy

* Prepare for Upledger CranioSacral Therapy certification testing


Attendance at the appropriate level class is required in order to access each video library. 


​As you will see, videos are available for lifetime purchase or 72-hour rental. Cost varies according to length and content. Repeat viewing with a lifetime purchase or short-term rental is available via this website only; no downloads available.


You will need an access code to purchase or rent videos in the study areas below. Once purchased or rented, videos are for your viewing only. No sharing, posting, or distributing permitted. Code-sharing is not permitted either.


Please contact me if you have completed a course and not yet received an access code. When requesting a code, you must include:
* Your full name

* Email

* When/where you took the pre-requisite course


I'm always adding additional content, so check back frequently to see what's new!


CS system.jpg

(prereq: CS2)


Hyoids unlabeled.jpg

(prereq: SER1)


sphenoid colored foramen_edited.png

(prereq: CS1)


brain stem unlabeled2_edited.jpg

Cranial Nerves
(prereq: CSCN1)     


Immune System
(prereq: CSIR)


"In 27 years, I have taken many classes and didn't utilize some of them as much as I could have. But with you supplying us with additional study tools and study groups, Cranial Nerve work has become a very large presence in my work. I re-watch the study group videos several times to mine all that I can."--R.S.
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