CranioSacral Therapy of the South Bay

Reading Material
Bylined articles
"Crayons on Craniums: CranioSacral Therapy," by Karen Axelrod, The Crayon Report, February 2004.
"Perfect Pampering: Prenatal Massage Relieves Aches and Pains, Reduces Stress," by Karen Axelrod, Crayon Report, June 2005.
"Lymphatic Massage Boosts Immunity During the Cold and Flu Season," by Karen Axelrod, December 2006.
"Four Steps to a Happy Jaw," by Karen Axelrod, Massage Magazine, March 2011.
"CranioSacral Therapy for Decreasing Stress and Increasing Fertility," by Karen Axelrod, Massage Magazine, September 2014.
"CranioSacral Therapy: Seeking the Healing Power of the Body," Beach Cities Health, Winter 2004. Profile on therapist Karen Axelrod and client Barbara Knight, who received CranioSacral Therapy after a car accident.
"Holistic Bodywork: The Newest Tool for Early Childhood Development Is Decidedly Low Tech," South Bay Health, July/August 2005. Profile on therapist Karen Axelrod and three young clients who received infant massage, CranioSacral Therapy, and massage therapy.
CranioSacral articles
Cerebrospinal fluid Study illuminates role of cerebrospinal fluid in brain stem cell development
Fibromyalgia CranioSacral Therapy Brings Relief to Fibromyalgia Patients
Hands-on therapy vs. talk therapy Less Talk, More Therapy
Headaches Musician Orchestrates Deep Healing and Integration with CST
Parkinson's Cranioscral Therapy Relieves Parkinson's
Infants and kids
CST Cuts Plagiocephaly Helmet Time in Half -- A case study by Karen Axelrod
CST Helps 11-Year-Old Refocus and Accept Special Abilities -- A case study by Karen Axelrod
Infant Massage Helps Babies Find Connections to Help Them Grow
Information on concussions and TBIs
Much has been written in the news about the short- and long-term impact of head injuries, concussions, and traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) on children and adults.
Click here to read about how parents' misconceptions about concussions can hinder treatment.
Click here to read about how the immune system responds to brain injuries.
Click here to see a video on how CranioSacral Therapy assists former professional NFL players recovering from post-concussive syndromes.