CranioSacral Therapy of the South Bay
Therapies for Pregnant Moms
Pregnancy is a time of incredible change, introducing new feelings
-- both physical and emotional -- into your body.
Numerous studies have shown that women who receive bodywork while pregnant experience fewer side effects and have easier births than women who do not. Effects include:
Relieve common discomforts of pregnancy, including nausea, fatigue, heartburn, headaches, backaches, sciatica, sore hands & feet, edema, and leg cramps
Reduce strain on the abdominal, neck, shoulder, leg, hip, and lower back muscles
Soften and gently stretch tissue to reduce stretch marks
Provide a quiet time to relax and reflect
Most important, it provides a special environment just for you -- so you can be nurtured and cared for at a time when so much attention is on the baby.
CranioSacral Therapy
Prenatal CranioSacral Therapy supports your body-mind-spirit as it transitions from conception to birth. It is a wonderful way to relax, increase energy levels, and address common areas of discomfort. Many women also report that they gain valuable self-awareness and insight about their bodies, their growing babies, and the special needs of both.
Because CranioSacral Therapy has a direct effect on the central nervous system (CNS), it can relieve the effects of stress and provide a sense of overall calming to mom and baby. CST helps the body -- and the pelvis in particular -- adapt to the growth of the baby so baby can more easily assume an ideal birth position. This ultimately promotes a timely, easier birthing process.
CranioSacral can also address the physical manifestations of any negative emotions (such as fear or worry) associated with your pregnancy. It can help rid the body of any residual tissue memory of past emotional or physical trauma -- some of which may relate to previous pregnancies, births, or the conception process. Releasing the body of such tissue memory clears the way for mom and baby to develop the healthiest relationship possible -- on a physical, emotional, mental, and even energetic level.
CranioSacral Therapy boosts fertility
CST can boost fertility in a number of ways. If a woman is highly stressed and living in the “fight-or-flight” state, her body is not prepared for reproduction. Because of its inherently relaxing nature, CST can help women attain proper parasympathetic function (the opposite of "fight-or-flight"), which readies her body for conception and fertility.
Additionally, a misaligned pelvic structure or chronic muscle tension in the low back or pelvic floor can adversely affect nerves that supply the reproductive organs as well as the organs themselves. CST can help alleviate such tension so all the bones, muscles, organs, and nerves of the pelvis can regain optimal function to support conception and a healthy pregnancy.
Post-Partum CranioSacral Therapy
As a new mom, it is vital that you take time to "recharge your batteries" so that you can stay strong and healthy for your new baby and family. Any type of post-partum bodywork provides much-needed nurturing and support during the sometimes-stressful time of early motherhood. It can also help ward off fatigue and post-partum blues.
Post-partum CST relieves muscle soreness in the pelvis and back due to hard labor or cesareans. It reduces neck and shoulder pain common with breastfeeding and lifting your new baby. Certain techniques also help restore the uterus to its normal size. It also helps to restore structural integrity to the cranium, spine, and pelvis. If the birth was particularly difficult or traumatic in any way, CranioSacral can help rid the body of any residual effects of that trauma.
Lymphatic drainage and pregnancy
Lymph drainage can help reduce pregnancy-related swelling of the hands, ankles, and feet. It is also essential if you have a cesarean birth. Because of its association with the immune system, lymph drainage can help your cesarean scar heal faster, reduce the possibility of post-surgical infection, reduce scar tissue build-up, and eliminate swelling at the surgical site.